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Video from U-Report Ukraine

U-reporters from Ukraine found out that young people from different countries have the same problems and ideas. U-Reporters encounter the same issues as youth in other countries. For example, in Ireland it is discrimination, Nigeria – unemployment, Mexico – education, Uganda – low civil activity.

So we decided to make a short video to connect young people in the whole world.

A plane of issues

People are not always eager to solve problems of the world, their country, their community for many reasons. Many don’t speak out about their problems, as they don’t believe they’ll be heard. They throw them away in a “trash bin” of social problems, until then it becomes a big pile of issues.

Young people who support U-Report want to speak about the problems of youth throughout the country, throughout the whole world.

But how to speak out so you will be heard?  The “paper plane” is a symbol that connects U-reporters in different countries to make changes together.

They make these paper planes that symbolize their voices, and send them to other U-Reporters. The planes magically fall into the hands of U-reporters from other countries.  They unwrap these paper planes to see that many of the problems are the same.

So we need support from the big U-reporters family. It should take you a few minutes.

Show us, which problems you encounter in your country. Maybe, some of them are the same for us both? Quality of education, low civil activism, discrimination, unhealthy livestyles. Send us video to ureport.ukraine@gmail.com. Help U-Reporters from Ukraine to assemble the puzzles!

Let’s speak out together!

How to make a footage:

It will take 2 U-reporters and one camera or mobile phone.

1)      A U-reporter, who holds the camera, throws a paper plane

2)      Second U-reporter picks it up and unwraps it

3)      There’s a problem written on it

4)      The U-reporter say “Your small world is our big world”

Small tip: camera should be at horizontal view.

The video will be available at https://www.facebook.com/ureportukraine/

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